FERPRAD offer to his costumers the possibility of create figures in exclusive by commission in limited and numbered edition to the costumer election. His creation process is absolutely the same used for the catalogue figures. From the same time what is ordered the commission a careful process of fabrication begin.

estudio de la pieza

After the contact whit the costumer, FERPRAD begin a deep historical research in relation whit the uniformity and details of this figure. From this previous documentation we depart a serious research for determinate the exactitude the figure what we pretend create.

creación de los bocetos

Compiled all the information, our designers create a sketch in the way how we try to mould it. We make different sketches in order to define perfectly the details and shapes of the figure whit different points of views and perspectives.

tallado de figura

When the costumer give his approbation to the presented project begin a slow and detailed artisanal work sculpting the different pieces of the figure, from 15 to 20, with a putty mass of two exclusives components of FERPRAD

creación de molde

When this pieces are considered how finished they are introduced in a mould, named “pie of silicon”, in the way what they are immersed in two layers of this silicon.

Directo al portamoldes

In time when they are together this two layers of silicon are placed in the oven tray for begin a vulcanized process a temperature and pressure exacts and controlled.


After the necessary time the tray is extracted for the oven and the “pie of silicon” is opened, in this moment is confirmed if is absolutely accurate the vacuums of our piece. This is the original mould, our masterpiece.

canales en el molde

The next in this mould is make it a various channels to the vacuums in the pie of the pieces where will roam the alloy what go to dump in the next moment.

molde a la centrifugadora

Finished the channels, we will back to close this “silicon pies” what form our mould and introduce this one in the centrifugal machine.

aleación de metal a la centrifugadora

Is now, already in the centrifugal machine, when we dump our metal alloy, what flowing by this channels go refilling at all our pieces.

nuestras piezas en aleación de metal

Finished the centrifugal and dry time, we separate our “silicon pies” and we see what our piece perfectly molded appears.

limado de las piezas

Retaking the artisanal process, by hand and too carefully we begin the cleaning process of our pieces, polishing any metallic rough what we can find.

With all pieces ready is begin the painting process by our specialists, what step to step them go joining all pieces to shaping the figure.

pintado a mano de las figuras

Our painters supported by a specific documentation go profiling anyone color to shape the uniformity of our figure.

los colores indicados

A wide palette of acrylic colors gives the different tonalities. Many of these colors are exclusive mixtures made by our artists.

pintado preciso a mano detalles ferprad

The use of accurate malt brushes and in particular the acknowledge mastership of our artists; make possible reproduce the more little details of any figure.

figura terminada ferprad

Our figure is now finish and we can let dry the paint without hurry.

detalle de la figura

How is possible see, the contrast of the details is absolutely up to a formidable level. The richest of tones facilitate to difference anyone of the wrinkles and shadows of the sculpture.

figura expuesta en vitrina

Our figure can now take is ultimate place and let in show in the way of only a piece of art deserves.