Volunteers Rangers of Valencia 1808 (Code: SA10)


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Figure of soldier of Volunteers Rangers of Valencia along the Independence War (Peninsular War). Wear an improvised wardrobe with sandals and peasant trouser, but this a only one of the model of uniformity can be find in this unit. The history of the regiment road along the Independence War history. The 23 of May of 18808 come to Valencia the news of the Madrid insurrection and the goes of the Royal Family to France.



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This news full of indignation to the valencians what oblige to the Supreme Council of Government of the Valencia Kingdom, what in begin will want humble to Bonaparte, to recruit troops and declare the war the 25 of May. The regiment was created the 29 of May by the name of Volunteers Rangers (Cazadores) of Valencia or Rangers of Caró, for his first leader the general Augusto Caró.


The rangers of Valencia  fight in the war against the French, fighting in the defence of Valencia,  the Battle of Tudela and the siege of Zaragoza in 1808, in 1810 protect the retreat of the spanish troops over Valencia, in 1811 fight in the recuperation of Morella and in the calamitous battle of Sagunto after of the capitulation of Valencia the 1º and 2º battalions were send to France how war prisioners   , the 3º avoid this fate for pierce the the French line of siege  and scape to Requena.


Rgto Voluntario Valenciano


This regiment conserve his name to 1855 and what change his denomination for Regiment of Infantry of  the Queen Nº2, name what use today.


  • Presentación: in luxury quilted case
  • Pintura: artisanally painted by water resistent paints
  • Peso total:  661 grs
  • Peana: brown, ultraviolet barnished, high bright
  • Leyenda peana: "Voluntario Valenciano 1808"  
  • Medidas peana (mm): 60X60X42
  • Altura total (con peana): 20 cm
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