FERPRAD have been carefully with the details of the uniform specially with the ethnics motives like the cloak (alquizel) the cap (tarbuch) and the belt kit and cordons of moorish tradition.
This unit was create the 30 of June of 1911 under the command of the Lieutenant Colonel D. Dámaso Berenguer y Fuste for the need of arrange a really colonial forces with indigenous troops and spanish officers and NCO´s to fight in the bloody war of the Riff.
With an organization in this begins of a Tabor (battalion) and a Cavalry Squadron from for this moment a elite shock troops, is for this in only the first year of life one of his officers, the lieutenant Jaime Samaniego Martinez Fortún, win the more highest spanish military decoration the laureate of San Ferdinand in the conquest of the village of Haddu Al-Lal u Kaddur.
For this series of success in combat in the more dangerous and risk tasks increase his fame and prestige and for this in 1914 his strong is develop to four Groups of Regulares each one with two Tabor, of three companies, and a specific Tabor of cavalry of three squadrons.
This forces fight along all the Moroccan Campaign and all the Spanish Civil War battled in an infinity of combats and actions for this increase the number of groups and Tabors to the fifty years in the independence of Morocco many of then have dissolved. Today have two groups, 52 and 54, either in the garrison of Melilla and Ceuta cities.
- Presentación: in luxury quilted case
- Pintura: artisanally painted by water resistent paints
- Peso total: 1.020 grs
- Peana: brown, ultraviolet barnished, high bright
- Nº de piezas: 20
- Medidas peana (mm): 60X60X42
- Leyenda peana: "Regulares 1924"
- Altura total (con peana): 30 cm