Corporal Logistic 1911 (Code: SE30)




Second corporal of Logistic Corps whit campaign uniform in 1911, hold his ordnance sabre. Although the officers does it the  majority of logistic duties are accomplished by NCO´s or corporal of troop like of the figure.




In 1853 born the Corps of Military Administration  and in reorganization of 1911 this service is organized in Military Logistic and Military Administration (Intervención).




Our figure show the begins of this corps dedicated to the support, food and administration of the troops. Is in this year with the creation of the Logistic Corps what is rejoin in a only command all the traditions and supply, organization and administration of a 500 years of history of the Spanish Army.



  • Presentación: in luxury quilted case
  • Pintura: artisanally painted by water resistent paints
  • Peso total:  1.000 grs
  • Peana: brown, ultraviolet barnished, high bright
  • Medidas peana (mm): 60X60X42
  • Leyenda peana:  "Cabo 2º Intendencia"
  • Altura total (con peana): 23 cm