Respected to the notorious winged insignia of the Spanish Air Force, in the appendix number 3 of Rule Book of the Service of Aeronautic (Approved by Royal Order of 16 of April of 1913) what already said at that time: “The personal of the Aeronautics Service wear over the uniform the Aeronautics emblem: Two silver wings with a red disc in the middle and a Royal Crown above. This emblem will be of metal for soldiers and class of troops, what wear it in the left harm, and embroidery for chiefs and officers, what wear it in the right of the chest at level of the first button of the jacket”. “The pilots of aerostatic globe add wheel of rudder, and them of the aeroplane a turmoil of four harms”.

The history of the project of this emblem is developed in the house of the Prince Don Alfonso de Orleans y Borbón, where a small group of officers debates over the need of to have a emblem for the aeronautics, but with a design appropriated what don’t leave obsolete along the time, is necessary a design classic and historic what don´t leave how vintage. The princess Dª Beatriz, what was present in the meeting, how egiptologist and good sketching, propose what can be inspired in the “Sacred Beetle” a representation of the old Egyptian god Ra (or also think in the “winged disc” of the tomb of the Pharaoh Seti or the deployed wings of the goddess Maat) and drew the two silver wings together by a red disc and crowned by the royal crown, the design was accepted with general acquiescence.

At last, born how emblem of the Spanish Military Aviation by royal Order of 13º April. This emblem persist along the years of the existence of the military aviation in Spain, with little variations, for example in the II Republic the royal crown was changed by a rampart crown what was replaced in the Spanish Civil War in the republican side by a red star of five tops, in the rebel side is placed an imperial crown and in the red disc a Saint John eagle in black, with the restoration of the monarchy back the royal crown and in this way is how remain in our days.

In colloquial language is known how “Rokiski” this emblem in silver what wear over the uniform anybody who are in possession of a military aeronautical title, the name comes for Luis Rokiski a magnificent engraver what from 1939 to his death in 1965, make absolutely all the emblems “of chest” for everybody spanish military pilots of this time, in his workshop of the number 27 of the “Carretas” street of Madrid. For this assimilation the silver emblem what Spanish Air Force members wear over the chest is called “Rokiski”.

- Presentación: in luxury quilted case
- Pintura: artisanally painted by water resistent paints
- Peso total: 548 grs
- Peana: brown, ultraviolet barnished, high bright
- Nº de piezas: 11
- Leyenda peana: "General del Ejército del Aire"
- Medidas peana (mm): 60X60X42
- Altura total (con peana): 19 cm