
Civil Guard. Female Agent Civil Guard. Female Agent

FERPRAD is concentrate with this figure in the now normal presence of woman among the Civil Guard, Actually a total of a 5.107 women in difference scales and ranks are part of the Civil Guard.. Represented to 2’77 % of the officers scale, a 2’00% in NCO´S ranks and over the 7’60 % in the scales of corporal and guards. Was in the year of 1988 when is promulgated the Royal Decree what permit what this the same year the access of women to the selection probes. This one was a social conquest what fulfil the vocational dream of many Spanish women of to be Civil Guards. Of a total of 2.817 aspirants in the year 1988 ingresses a total of 197 in the Civil Guard in the 94º promotion of this corps. At this moment thinking what had overcome all the obstacles for to be Civil Guard.

Civil Guard. Female Agent Civil Guard. Female Agent

But then find there what the normalization of women inside of the corps had a long way by forward, how happen in another collectives the incorporation of women in a institution clearly male had affront to many resistances for the change of rupture of roles and stereotypes hardly roots in the society.

At his arrival the settlings are conditioned only for men, the uniformity were designed by men for men, the regulations are not adapted to the reality of the women and the collective are not ready for his coming.

Civil Guard. Female Agent

Is only in the year 1993 when ingress the first woman in the Military General Academy in Zaragoza where begin a formation of five years all the aspirants to officers of the Civil Guard, in this way the first officer of the Civil Guard was graduated with his officer rank of lieutenant in 1998.

Civil Guard. Female Agent

  • Paint:  Hand crafted painted with acrylic paints.
  • Total Weight:  1.200 grs
  • Presentation:   In luxury kilted cage.
  • Pedestal: brown, ultraviolet barnished, high bright
  • Nº of pieces:  8
  • Total high  (with pedestal): 23 cm
  • Pedestal sizes (mm): 60x60x42
  • Base Legend: "Guardia Civil"